ARTWORKS FEATURED IN FLIES IN THE PUNCH BOWL WAYNE THIEBAUD Cakes 1963 (oil on canvas) | Smithsonian American Art Museum WASSILY KANDINSKY Improvisation 35 1914 (oil on gauze) | Kunstmuseum Basel, Germany ROY LICHTENSTEIN Kiss V 1964 (oil on canvas) | WikiArt (c) Roy Lichtenstein, all rights reserved PAUL KLEE Senecio 1922 (oil on gauze) | Kunstmuseum Basel, Germany PERE BORRELL DEL CASO Escaping Criticism 1874 (oil on canvas) | Collection Banco de España, Madrid MOSÈ BIANCHI Woman In Front Of A MIrror 1900 (oil on canvas) | WikiArt Public Domain ERNST LUDWIG KIRCHNER Street, Berlin 1913 (oil on canvas) | Museum of Modern Art EDVARD MUNCH The Scream 1910 (tempera on panel) | Munch Museum PABLO PICASSO Woman With Hat 1962 (linocut, paper) | WikiArt Fair Use ELLSWORTH KELLY Spectrum IV 1967 (oil on canvas) | WikiArt (c) Ellsworth Kelly, all rights reserved GEORGES SEURAT A Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of La Grande Jatte 1884 (oil on canvas) | National Gallery, London